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List of over thousand plus careers alongwith Forest Officer

Career as Forest Officer

Stream : Life Science & Environment
Sub Stream : Wildlife Conservation

Forest Officer

Foresters manage forest resources, and are responsible for its preservation and utilization. They have a broad based knowledge of tree biology, ecology, wood science and manufacturing processes. Forestry involves outdoor work. Forestry officials 
• Map of forested areas using several instruments and remote sensing devices
• Document forest resources such as timber, ground for cattle grazing, shelter for wild animals, food and water for animals
• Maintain all forest related technical data
• Identify areas which require particular attention for either fresh planting, felling, thinning of dense forests or pruning and pest control
• Plan wildlife reserves
• Plan roads leading to interesting spots, recreation points, lakes etc. in a wildlife reserve
• Supervise crews assigned to these projects and maintain records of their progress
• Preserve and protect forests from campers and poachers
• Prevent illegal felling of trees for timber
• Work in laboratories and industries which process products out of wood
• Work in saw mills, plywood and hardboard industries, paper and pulp mills, furniture factories and industries which carry out wood preserving processes

Foresters specialize in
Silviculture – the science which deals with the propagation of forest life. They regulate forest wealth and monitor the growth and propagation along predetermined lines.
Forest managers deal withthe economics and finance of forest management and preservation.
Forest engineers specialize in logging of wood in the forests. They are responsible for all projects related to trees, roads, bridges etc. in forested regions. They design, improvise and select equipment for movement of felled trees. 
Ecologists study and advise on matters which are related to the environment ,such as, climate, altitude, and other environmental factors.

Foresters with the government
At the all India level, the management of forests and wildlife is taken care of by Indian Forest Service Officers. They protect forests and have subordinate staff to help them. State forest departments function at the state level.

Employment Opportunities for Forester:

Foresters are mainly employed with the Government. Other employment opportunities are with private and public sector organizations dealing in forest produce, forest based industries, research and consultancies, paper mills, international donor agencies, development organizations, financial institutions , tourism, media etc. Forestr

How to become Forester?

Path 1:

• Std XII
Stream: Science PCB
• Graduation
Agriculture/Natural Sc/Ecology/Env Sc/Fore...
• Post-Graduation
Forest Management
• Goal

Path 2:

• Std XII
Stream: Science PCM
• Graduation
Economics, Geology, Maths, Stats, Mech. Engg
• Postgraduation
Forest/Wildlife Management
• Goal

Path 3:

• Std XII
Stream: Science PCB/M >**
• Graduation
• Entrance Exam
Indian Forest Service*
• Goal

*Indian Forest Services (IFS) -Graduates in Botany, Chemistry, Zoology, Physics, Statistics, Geology, Agriculture, Forestry, Engineering can take the Indian Forest Service examination for joining the government forestry department. The IFS is a Central Government Service, for which a selection test is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, New Delhi, Selected candidates are trained for taking charge of their allotted State (cadre) as Assistant Conservator of Forests on probation for one year. After this period, they are appointed as full fledged Divisional Forest Officers of a particular Division in 4 to 5 years time. State Forest Service - State forest officials are recruited by State Public Service Commissions of the respective states. The eligibility for candidates and the examination pattern is almost on the same pattern as for Indian Forest Service examinations. 

**Forest rangers examination is also conducted at state level by the Staff Selection Commissions. Eligibility for this examination is graduation with science subjects, however, in some states class 12 with science subjects is required.

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